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UK-Rap: Summers Sons & C.Tappin kommen mit ihrem Debütalbum „Uhuru“über Melting Pot Music (Interview)

Summers Sons & C. Tappin

Summers Sons & C. Tappin / London & Bristol / Debütalbum: „Uhuru“, Fotos: (c) Niels Freidel, 2018

In der Kategorie “5 Fragen zum Album” stellen wir euch ausgewählte Musik-Künstler und ihre Releases vor. Grundlage sind fünf kurze Fragen, die sich rund um das Release drehen. Dieses Mal mit Summers Sons & C.Tappin und ihrem Album „Uhuru“.

UK-Rap im Gebäude: Liebe Freunde, heute haben wir ein ganz besonders Release aus dem Hause Melting Pot Music im Programm. Hier kommen Summers Sons & C.Tappin mit ihrem Debütalbum „Uhuru“. Das Trio, bestehend aus Turt (Rap), Slim (Beats) und C.Tappin (Gesang + Keys) stammt aus London und Bristol und macht entspannten Rap mit vielen Jazz-Elementen.

„Uhuru“ ist definitiv ein Album für die etwas ruhigeren Stunden des Tages. Wir haben mal reingehört und die Dudes zu einem „5 Fragen zum Album“ Interview eingeladen. Einen ersten Eindruck von der Musik gibts hier im Musikvideo zu „Call It Love“. nachfolgend kommen dann das Interview und die kompletten Album Streams – enjoy!

Short Facts: „Uhuru“

Your new LP is entitled „Uhuru“. What’s the reason for the title? Please tell us a bit about it.

The LP is called Uhuru because of the experience we had climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. The peak of the mountain is called Uhuru, meaning ‚freedom‘ in Swahili. C.Tappin also met a local taxi-driver called Uhuru, whose unique voice appears on the album shedding wisdom on love, life and music.

Please tell us, how did you come in touch with hip-hop culture?

We listened to US hip hop as kids in the early 2000s but only ever scratched the surface, listening to more mainstream artists. It wasn’t until we heard grime and early UK hip hop that it seemed more accessible and relatable. This ignited the spark and eventually led us to dig deeper into the history, discovering a lot of US artists from the 90s, having a big impact on our sound.

How was it working on the new LP? What’s the recording process like when you’re in the studio?

The LP came together naturally, we’ve all grown up together so we share the same influences and vision. Recording is always super relaxed. Its a real no pressure environment and we often just leave the mic running while we build ideas. Its been 3 years in the making and the 14 tracks on the album have been carefully selected, so a lot of tracks didn’t make the cut. We’re real believers that putting together an album is an art in itself and we carefully designed the track list to take the listener on a journey.

Which songs do you like the most? Is there a special song you can share us a special memory?

The most special track for us is the title track Uhuru. Its only a short track and doesn’t feature any vocals but it has samples from the conversation C.Tappin recorded with the taxi driver he met in Tanzania also called Uhuru. His words are simple but powerful, we wanted to put his message at the core of the album and it really helped us to shape our vision.

As a musician, you played a couple of shows at different places on earth. What did you learn about different places, people, and culture?

It’s been a blessing getting to travel and play shows to different people and places. Being on stage in a foreign country and hearing people say your lyrics back to you, even though English is not the native language is an incredible experience. It confirms our belief in the power of music to overcome all things, whether that be language, border, religion or race.

Album Streams

Album Cover & Tracklist

Summers Sons C Tappin Uhuru Album Cover

01. Sonrise
02. The Season
03. Good Times
04. Shades Of Green 5. Keep Up
06. Slim Pickings
07. Everyday
08. The Feeling Pt. 2
09. Dusk To Dawn
10. Uhuru
11. Call It Love
12. Never Walk Alone 13. Old Soul
14. Love

Der Beitrag UK-Rap: Summers Sons & C.Tappin kommen mit ihrem Debütalbum „Uhuru“ über Melting Pot Music (Interview) erschien zuerst auf RAP-N-BLUES.com.

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