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5 Fragen zum Album: „KO-OP 2“ von Joe Corfield & Slim (Interview + Stream)

KO-OP 2 Album Cover

Jo Corfield’s Cover: KO-OP 2: Das neue Album von Slim & Joe Corfield

In der Kategorie “5 Fragen zum Album” stellen wir euch ausgewählte Musik-Künstler und ihre Releases vor. Grundlage sind fünf kurze Fragen, die sich rund um das Release drehen.

Heute mit Joe Corfield & Slim, die über Melting Pot Music ihr neues Kollabo-Album „KO-OP 2“ veröffentlichen. Die beiden standen uns für ein Interview zur Verfügung und sprechen unter anderem über das liebevolle Cover-Artwork von Rahel Süßkind, heben besondere Erinnerungen während der Zusammenarbeit hervor und nennen uns ihre Lieblingstracks.

KO-OP 2 // Short Facts

  • Länge: 17 Tracks
  • Features: Fehlanzeige
  • Producer: Joe Corfield & Slim
  • Release Date: 01. Februar 2019

KO-OP 2 // Album Stream

Your new release is a split split album, the second one of the KO-OP series from Melting Pot Music. Did you knew each other before the project?

Joe Corfield: Yes, I’ve been a fan of Slims production for a couple of years now. We had spoken of working together in the past so when Melting Pot/KO-OP pitched the idea of a split LP to me I thought it was a great idea.

Slim: I’ve only met Joe once when we were both at a Jakarta Records night in London but have been digging his music for a long time so I’m hyped to be releasing this project with him.

Slim’s Cover: KO-OP 2: Das neue Album von Slim & Joe Corfield

The dope album artwork by Rahel Süßkind assembles a series of very special characters and settings. Were you involved in the creative process here?

Joe Corfield: Rahel asked us for a theme, favourite foods, animals, cities/cultures. I went for dogs, lizards, birds and Japanese culture/food (hence the ramen bowl!) as I one day hope to travel to Japan and experience it for real.

Slim: Yeah we were asked to send over a list of ideas for Rahel to work from, for example the dog on my cover is drawn from a picture of my dog that I sent to her and a lot of the plants and animals reference places that inspired the ideas for the album.

Joe Corfield

Producer Joe Corfield, Foto: (c) Melting Pot Music

What is your typical workflow like when you are start making a new beat? When did the tracks on the new album came about?

Joe Corfield: Usually I’ll start by going record shopping. Finding samples or music that inspires me, recently I’ve been trying to build more live instrumentation around samples. You can hear this most on ‘Grey Kimono’ where I add keys and guitar and other elements around a vocal sample. All of the beats were made around Summer 2018.

Slim: It depends, sometimes I’ll start with a drum loop and build a track around that but a lot of times these days I’ll start with a sample or some chords and build off that, I find for me it works better that way. All the tracks on the album except one were made last Summer/Autumn and a lot of it was inspired by people and places that I saw during that time.

Is the KO-OP project just another beat-tape? Or did you approach the project with a certain concept regarding the vibe, sound design or flow?

Joe Corfield: I definitely wanted it to be a little bit more sophisticated than just straight loops. Even though essentially it is an collection of beats. I tried to add more melodic elements to the hooks, with a variety of instruments and samples. A couple of them are minimal and some of them have lots of layers. I have tried to include a variety of sounds within a very limited track length.

Slim: I approached this project as more of a concept album than a beat tape, it’s based loosely on a day in the life from morning to a very late night out, I used a lot of field recordings to layer over the tracks to bring this concept to life. The order of the tracks was very important and a lot of the tracks were made with me knowing already where in the album they should go.


Producer Slim, Foto: (c) Melting Pot Music

Please name your favourite track (or tracks) and tell us why they stand out for you.

Joe Corfield: My favourite track is probably ‘Grey Kimono’ or ‘STRESS’. Both are on very different vibes but have great melodies and basslines. I especially like the keys melody in ‘Grey Kimono’ and the melodic saxophone sample on ‘STRESS’.

Slim: It’s hard to choose but maybe ‚Moon‘ or ‚White Tea & Silver Kush‘, I’m heavily influenced by Jazz music and was experimenting a lot with different time signatures throughout this project, these are both examples of that with them both being 6/4, they’re also both tracks that switch up halfway through with ‚WT&SK‘ also changing tempo and time signature in the second half.

Weitere KO-OP Releases

Der Beitrag 5 Fragen zum Album: „KO-OP 2“ von Joe Corfield & Slim (Interview + Stream) erschien zuerst auf RAP-N-BLUES.com.

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