In der Kategorie “5 Fragen zum Album” stellen wir euch ausgewählte Musik-Künstler und ihre bald erscheinenden oder vor kurzem veröffentlichten Alben vor. Grundlage sind fünf kurze Fragen, die sich rund um das Release drehen.
Short Facts
- 11 Tracks
- Releasedate: 13. Oktober 2017
- Label: Five Seven Group
- Features: Nick Hexum, The Unlikely Candidates
Your new LP is entitled „Swim Team“. What’s the reason for the title? Please tell us a bit about it.
I wish I had a cool story to tell but I was just really high shopping at a vintage store with my wife and found a windbreaker from 1969 that was a random high school swim team and it had these huge clean letters SWIMTEAM. Aesthetically it just looked so cool and I loved the fact that we could make Merch that our fans could wear and feel a part of something. We also have a running vibe with anything aquatic or ocean themed. Our mascot or logo is an octopus.
How was it working on the new LP? What’s the recording process like when you’re in the studio?
It was super laid back. We said fuck the norm. Fuck the „proper “ songwriting structure and just did what felt right. It was much more fun like when we were kids just experimenting.
Relating to that: On your new album, you worked with Jordan Miller and The Unlikely Candidates. Please tell us – how did the collaborations come together?
Jordan is actually one half of the production duo the heavy we worked with and we wrote the hook to High Tea together but I just loved his voice so much we made him sing it. He has a very old soul in his voice very 1940s and I thought that was cool congrats to the grimey beat flip up when you get to the verses. And Kyle had already cut his vocal on that hook. Jordan presented that to us. And we wrote our verses and tweaked the music to make it more Dirty Heads. Kyles‘ voice was too beautiful to fuck with.
Which song do you like the most? Is there a special song you can share us a special memory?
„High Tea“ and „Get Somewhere“. „Get Somewhere“ was special because we got to work with my good friends and producers FNZ finally. They did the last asap Rocky album some tracks on asap Fergs album some whiz stuff and the new Denzel curry. They are ahead of the game sonically in the hip hop world in my opinion. So to join forces with them was really cool. Two different worlds colliding.
As a musician, you played a couple of shows at different places on earth. What did you learn about different places, people, and culture?
That the world is a much smaller place than people think. First off I don’t think Americans travel enough. And I don’t think most Americans live the lives they want to live. They are stuck in the rat race letting this amazing world go by while they are stuck in their city not realizing you can be anywhere on the planet in 24 hrs.
Life isn’t meant to be wasted sitting in traffic driving to a job you hate. Traveling shows you that. You gain so many new perspectives when you travel. From the way people live slower in the countryside of France or the pride and culture of being from certain parts of the U.K. And your dedication to your football club or your pub. To the importance of food and family and bringing the two together.
Or seeing kids in Thailand with pretty much nothing but having ear to ear smiles and just being content with being alive and playing on the beach. Or how Germany has such a deep hip-hop culture, good fucking sneaker stores and really likes to party hahaha.
My wife’s from South Africa so we go there a lot and seeing kids in the townships breaks my heart. There is no middle class. What if the new Stephen Hawking or Einstein or Picasso is one of those kids and they will never get the chance. Traveling makes you look at our tiny blue ball floating in space in a totally different light.
We in America are such a young country we still don’t have a sense of who we are. And some people are jaded in our culture. I could go on and on but I think traveling is one of the best things you can do as a human being. It’s good for your mind, body, and soul.
Album Stream
Cover + Tracklist
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