In der Kategorie “5 Fragen zum Album” stellen wir euch ausgewählte Musik-Künstler und ihre bald erscheinenden oder vor kurzem veröffentlichten Alben vor. Grundlage sind fünf kurze Fragen, die sich rund um das Release drehen.
DJ Vadim back on the scene: Es gibt kaum einen Künstler, den wir in den letzten Jahren hier auf so sehr gefeatured haben wie den aus Russland stammenden DJ und Producer. In einem der ersten „Artist Features“ war er bereits zu Gast – seitdem folgten eine ganze Reihe an dopen Oldschool Hip-Hop-, Reggae-, sowie Soul-Mixen. Heute wollen wir euch DJ Vadim’s aktuelle LP „Dubcatcher 2 – Wicked My Yout“ vorstellen.
Auf dem 16 Track starken Longplayer nimmt uns der nimmermüde Künstler mit auf eine Reise, die sich zwischen den Genres Dub, Hip-Hop und Roots-Reggae bewegt. Passend dazu haben wir uns mit ihm unterhalten – checkt hier das Interview.
Album Facts
- 16 Tracks
- Features: Demolition Man, Dynamite MC, Max Romeo + more
- Releasedate: 19. Februar 2016
- Label: Soulbeats
Your new LP is entitled „Dubcatcher 2“, which is a follow up of the first part from 2014. What can we expect from „Dubcatcher 2”?
Well it`s a progression in beats music, bass & vocals. Good over evil! PUT IT I YA STEREO AND BUMP IT FOR SUMMER 2016. GOOD VIBES FROM THE HEART!
How was it working on the new LP? What’s the recording process like when you’re in the studio?
I`m always working on music. Recording with different artists. It`s my passion. I try to make it personal, not like going to the office but a natural process. Kick it, have a laugh and take it naturally.
You worked with acts like Big Red, Junior Williams, Max Romeo and many others. Please tell us – how did the collaborations come together?
They are people who I have really met along my way at shows, festivals and in the street… Creative people seem to gravitate together.
Which song do you like the most? Is there a special song you can share us a special memory?
That`s a hard one to answer because they are all special in one way or another. „Musical Soljah“ is perhaps the deepest and I love the vibe.
Please share us an anecdote about your time in studio working in the new LP.
It was just vibes when General Levy and Tiggy came over. Zoot after zoot, the riddim and suddenly the song came together. We were jamming all together, I set the track up and the creativity came together – 30 Minutes later we had the song!
Album Cover + Tracklist
01. Fussin‘ & Fightin‘ (feat. Demolition Man)
02. Sometimes (feat. Inja)
03. Call On Me (feat. Eva Lazarus & Serocee)
04. Murder Murder (feat. Earl 16, Jimmy Screech & Black Keys)
05. Judgement (feat. Max Romeo, Abstract Rude & YT)
06. Shine Ya Lite (feat. Syross & Graziella Affinita)
07. Originator (feat. Dynamite MC & Daddy Cookiz)
08. Rubberdub Soljah (feat. General Levy & Govenor Tiggy)
09. Run Come Massive (feat. Big Red & Katherin de Boer)
10. Good Vibes (feat. Jman, Tippa Irie & Inja)
11. Hey Hey Hey (feat. Graziella Affinita & Pugs Atomz)
12. Music Soljah (feat. Junior Williams, Taiwan MC & Syross)
13. Favourite Mistakes (feat. Iva Lumkum & Pugs Atomz)
14. Ruling Sound (feat. Courtney Melody & Taiwan MC)
15. Inner Lite (feat. Big Red & Pupa Jim)
16. They Don’t Love (feat. Jman, Tman, Frisky Don Metropolis, Inja, Graziella Affinita & Laville)
Foto: (c)
Der Beitrag DJ Vadim über seine LP „Dubcatcher 2 – Wicked My Yout“ (Interview) erschien zuerst auf