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Interview mit DJ Wool über sein neues Album „A Life In Breaks“ + Verlosung



In der Kategorie “5 Fragen zum Album” stellen wir euch ausgewählte Musik-Künstler und ihre bald erscheinenden oder kürzlich veröffentlichte Alben vor. Grundlage sind fünf kurze Fragen, die sich rund um das Release drehen.

Heute mit DJ Wool aus Dublin, der uns sein aktuelles Album „A Life In Breaks“ (VÖ: 28.10.) vorstellt. Wir sprachen mit dem sympathischen Iren über die Entstehungsgeschichte der LP, fragten ihn nach seinen persönlichen Lieblingstracks und brachten in Erfahrung, was er in seiner über 20-jährigen Musik-Karriere über unterschiedliche Menschen, Kulturen und Länder gelernt hat.

Passend dazu verlosen wir an dieser Stelle zwei mal das Album auf Vinyl. An der Verlosung teilzunehmen ist ganz einfach.


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Eine weitere Aktion ist nicht notwendig. Die Verlosung läuft bis 18. Dezember 2016, 12:00 Uhr*.

Short Facts

  • 11 Tracks
  • Beats: DJ Wool
  • Release Date: 28. Oktober 2016


Your new LP is entitled „A Life In Breaks“. What’s the reason for the title? Please tell us a bit about it.

In one way or another, I’ve been making Breakbeats for over 20 years. I’ve been listening for probably 30 years, before I knew what a breakbeat was. The idea for this album has been in my mind since the mid 90’s. One of the tracks („Wooliam Burroughs“) is from that time. I found it last year on a Dat tape.

As trends come and go in Electronic music, some of us who have been making this music for several decades tend to live outside of those trends and somehow those trends become tiresome and uninteresting. I believe this is when you become ‘good’ at your art form and this is when it doesn’t matter if there is commercial success or thousands of social media ‘likes’.  I don’t want to say I’m ‘good’ just that I understand what I am doing and extraneous influences become important only in that they are references. At that stage your pure musical influences have space to breath and apparently Breakbeat is that purity for me – at least it was when I made this album.

How was it working on the new LP? What’s the recording process like when you’re in the studio?

I’m always looking for the mistakes. That’s how I start every track.  I’ve been making music for so long that I have to be careful not to get lost in my habits.  I like to keep working until something unusual I wasn’t planning happens and then start from there. It needs to be spontaneous.

Technically, one of the reasons I didn’t make this record for 20 years was that I didn’t want to use samples.  I made most of the sounds on this Lp from analog sources such as modular synths, analog groove boxes, outboard fx etc. I tried to make all of the songs ‚LIVE‘ first so that I wouldn’t be spending a lot of time programming in the computer. I wanted to capture that uncertainty, the feeling that you may not be able to press all of the right buttons in time to make the arrangement the way you want to but then the new unplanned arrangement is so much cooler and more interesting.

Which song do you like the most? Is there a song you can share us a special memory?

‘Dad’s Not Shakey’ is my favorite right now.  I think it really encompasses the style of djing I was doing in the 90’s before the internet.  I was living in Dublin, Ireland and playing with a lot of breakbeat / big beat artists at the time, Chemical bros, Mo Wax artists.  Combining techno/electronic influences with the raw funk of 90’s hiphop works so well on the dancefloor.  A lot of artists abused this sound and copied eachother in the 90’s so I wanted to do it from my own perspective.

I also really enjoy listening to ‘Like Kings Man’. I made this track in 1 day and it is the most ‘live’ of all of the tunes on the record.  In fact, I think this is the 2 track stereo recording that went on the album.  I didn’t even put it in multitrack format.  For me that is an amazing accomplishment. I took some time away from making music 3 or 4 years ago and when I came back my main goal was to figure out how to work that way. Now I’ve mastered that technique, it feels sooooo good! No bullshit, just jam and record and boom, track finished.

You moved from Dublin to Berlin. What are your favorite music venues in town and where should we eat and drink around there?

Well, I left Ireland in 2001 and moved to New York City. I lived there for 8 years and was in a band called The Glass. We were signed to Four Music/Fine Records in Germany for a couple of singles in the early 2000’s so we started to play a lot in Germany and around Europe. So in 2007 I rented an apartment in Berlin and lived there until 2012 when I relocated to California where my wife is from.

If you’re going for a drink in Dublin, I recommend a bar called „The Stag’s Head“. You may not hear breakbeats or deep house but you’ll have a wonderful pint of Guinness and great conversation.

As a musician you played a couple of shows at different places. What did you learn about different places, people and culture?

I’ve learned that our differences are our strengths. I’ve learned that richness/wealth can only be measured in love. I’ve learned that people who do not value music do not value much of anything with substance. I’ve learned that every place has equal value for different reasons. I’ve learned that I will always make music.

Album Stream

Album Cover + Tracklist

1: Booty From The Future
2: The Fighter
3: Confessions Of A 90’s Dj
4: Dad’s Not Shakey
5: Heavenly Bodies
6: Miracles Never Cease
7: Like Kings Man
8: Into The 20’s
9: Young Jung
10: Switcher
11: Woolier Burroughs – Lost Tape 1999

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